Reply To: About Purim I do shudder

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Imagine if there were ads encouraging folks to eat Cholov Stam.

No one’s telling anyone not to eat Cholov Stam. But if someone people are makpid on Cholov Yisroel why would you try to entice them to change?

Or to be more neutral, if some people don’t wear Tefilin on chol hamoed, why would anyone put out advertisements encouraging them to change and start wearing Tefilin on chol hamoed?

Allow people to follow their shittas and their rabbonim’s and Roshei Yeshiva’s shittas without trying to get them to change.

And make no mistake about it, there are many Gedolim and Rabbonim and Poskim and Roshei Yeshivos who are on the record as holding that the ikkur mitzvah regarding ad dlo yoda on Purim is to l’chatchilla actually get completely shikur. In the very basic sense of getting very drunk. It is a 100% valid and adhered to shitta that many of us can testify our Roshei Yeshivos and Rabbonim insisted on for Purim. Anyone who denies this is either ignorant or untruthful.