Reply To: In the Purim Spirit: Women are required to Ad dlo yada 😂🤣😂🤣

Home Forums Controversial Topics In the Purim Spirit: Women are required to Ad dlo yada 😂🤣😂🤣 Reply To: In the Purim Spirit: Women are required to Ad dlo yada 😂🤣😂🤣


Reb – I can’t tell if you’re legitimately trying to make an argument or if you’re just purposely firing out non -sequiturs to get a response. There is clearly a difference between the mitzva of Daled Kosos and the mitzva of Ad DeLo Yada. The kiyyum hamitzva for daled kosos is fulfilled through the drinking, not the resulting (I should say rarely resulting) intoxication. Obviously there would be no reason to patur women from a mitzva which involves drinking possibly intoxicating beverages in which the mitzva is simply to drink and not to get drunk. I can’t remember the last time I heard of a woman getting drunk from the Arba Kosos and it can be easily avoided. Conversely, the mitzva of Ad Delo Yada is to GET DRUNK. This is clearly a violation of one of the fundamental qualities of a woman’s avoda and is therefore not practiced.