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“Lo Sochlu Al HaDam”-Parshas Kedoshim 19:26. The Gemara in Berachos 10a and Sanhedrin 63a interpret this to mean not to eat before Davening. And yes, @Anyusernameopen?, while there is a heter Beshaas Hatchak, aren’t you the ones who are supposed to go “Beyond the letter of the law”? A.K.A. “Chassidim”? Also, I didn’t mean that you don’t learn ANYTHING besides Chassidus, but rather that you have COMPLETELY done away with any Mussar whatsoever. And you’re right, Doing away with Sof Zman Tefilla isn’t exclusive to Chabad, but rather Chassidus as a whole. (And then you still wonder why you were put under Cherem, when the Rambam clearly Paskens in Hilchos Talmud Torah, that anyone who is Mevazeh Talmidei Chachamim needs to be put under Cherem.)