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@Anyusernameopen?, “why the Vilna Gaon put them in cherem….him being told lashon horo”, don’t you think that maybe, just maybe, THE GAON had Ruach Hakodesh? “Anyone who is Mevazeh Talmidei Chachaimim. When did this happen?” Uh, like right when you guys started. Read any literature on this matter, and you will see that they belittled Torah Scholars and Scholarship. It was written in the Vilna Cherem (1772), and I quote “They belittle the study of the Torah, and repeatedly claim that one should not study much, nor deeply regret one’s transgressions.” Also, “Chabad may not learn Mussar as a subject but Chassidus is full of mussar albeit a diff. style then what you’re used to.” Mesorah, much?