Reply To: Marrying a Bas Talmid Chochom

Home Forums Shidduchim Marrying a Bas Talmid Chochom Reply To: Marrying a Bas Talmid Chochom

The little I know

Whoa. It is undeniably an asset to marry a bas talmid chochom. That’s clear from divrei Chazal in multiple places. What I suspect is generating some angst in this thread is that the Chazal did not instruct not to marry a girl whose father was not a talmid chochom. It was not the aim of Chazal to brand these girls as poriahs, to be unsuitable for marriage. In terms of what the Chachomim did express as a warning, it was the marrying of one’s daughter to an am haaretz. But not the other way. Please correct me with a citation if I missed it.

The Gedolei Yisroel of our generation and recent ones were clear that our judgment of who is a “talmid chochom” is not a reliable standard to use for this. And the judgment of character is equally as critical, though far more difficult to assess. So we do have huge hurdles to overcome, especially when we make decisions that are intended to last for life, and have a small sample of contact and data on which to base them. Perhaps that’s why the role of tefilloh for shidduchim is stressed by Chazal so many times.