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@ anyuser

“As I said he was told lashon hara”

So you are choshed the GR”A of being over on an issur Torah of kabalas lashon hara. Got it.

“it’s written that the only reason why he made the charem was because of what he heard”

The ONLY reason you keep shabbos is because of what you heard from your parents and teachers. There are criteria for when what one hears is deemed credible. I think the Gr”A knew what it was. But a fool believes anything (Mishlei). So here you are being mivazeh a Talmid Chochom.

“Dont you yourself say theres no ruach hakodesh these days”

Who said so? Are you b any chance confusing prophecy with ruach hakodesh?

“@ncb you’re really trying hard – good job – I admire ppl that fight for what they think is right.”

Where you around for the last three threads on this subject the last of which was one of the longest on this site?

“And btw you misunderstood the halacha/kabala thing which I didn’t explain…”

Does this line (and its premise) sound familiar to anyone?