Reply To: Halachically okay to be liberal?

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More Falsehoods from the peanut gallery
My town has more than 30,000 residents and less than 100,000
It is not stuck in the 1990s, but is modern without destroying traditions. The main part of my home was built in 1803 and there are many older homes than that in town, along with new McMansions in recently developed neighborhoods.
We are near a large city, but don’t consider ourselves a suburb. Many residents make their livelihood here and many large corporations are in our industrial and office parks. What we do have is a nice racial and ethnic mix that gets along and respects all traditions and practices.

Your baiting and insults show how shallow you are. You could not reply to my comments so you instead post an insult.

As I have stated before, I’ll not address anything you say more than once in any one thread