Reply To: Halachically okay to be liberal?

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Avram in MD


“I’m sorry but you lost me a little bit. what tangent?”

Whether “allowed” and “should” are aligned or not. Obviously an extremely sensitive and complex topic.

“Who should decide if a Frum woman wants (or needs) an abortion: The government or her/her Rabbi and her Dr.”

If the law had a medical exemption, then it would still be the rabbi (for frum Jews) and doctor involved in the decision, no?

“If halacha would allow (but not require) an abortion, do you support the government stopping them ?”

Leaving the current culture unchanged and given the mental health angle, I still find it hard to see a situation where the medical opinion (and hence the government) would be more stringent than the halachic opinion. And if it were so, then yes I think there should be a pause to figure things out.

My personal opinion, however, is that most pushes to “overturn” Roe v. Wade are more an attempt to garner votes than they are to truly stop abortions. It’s tilting at a windmill and unlikely to be successful. The problem is cultural at its root.