Reply To: How to become a Gadol (not the bar mitzva kind)?

Home Forums Controversial Topics How to become a Gadol (not the bar mitzva kind)? Reply To: How to become a Gadol (not the bar mitzva kind)?


There are tremendous talmidim chachamim who learn most of the day for year and who are very adeherant to Halacha and are not gedolim. It’s seems that gedolim don’t only accomplish in torah but in addition they feel pain for the pain of the klal, they can listen to Jews of all types and their pains and are always fully heathy into the tzibur.
Gedolim are made day by day and not over night by always seeking to do ,to help and in most gassed to learn.
Let’s not forget that “gadol” is a label there can be many gedolim that we will never even know about.