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“If you believe that, in an ideal world, the “Rabbinate” would decide policy, then why would you not support individual policies that are supported by the halachah?”

From one of my first posts on this topic:
“In theory I would support making abortion purely in the hands of the rabbinate. In practice in the US (aside for that being impractical) would set a bad precedent and thus I support the next best thing
namely allowing the woman to choose”

“As for your side argument, it seems like you had it with Avram”

Nope I had it with you, and it is my main argument. Remember you said ““The case of the halachah “allowing” abortion is something you’ve invented. This is pikuach nefesh, the proper lashon is “require.” ”

To which I responded with: “So this is where you are 100% absolutely completely no room to agree to disagree wrong. Obviously this isnt publicly discussed. Ask your local ob.” Later on I provided several mareh mekomos of allowed (not required) abortions (Tzitz Eliezer, R’ Shlomo Zalman Aurbach, Mishpetei Uziel)
(Do you really not remember our discussion?)

THAT is our ONLY point of disagreement, as far as I can tell. Whether these cases exist both in halacha, and in reality.