Reply To: Chabad? Most non religious Jews are not halachikly Jewish.

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Joseph wrote : ” when there’s benefits to being recognized as Jewish rather than severe costs, self-identifying alone is wholly insufficient;.” Claiming that these days goyim benefit to be recognized as Jewish.

When did these days of Jewish benefits begin?

During World War II when 6 million were slaughtered?

The benefits we get today in Europe – all the love from the various nations?

The benefits of being a Jew in Muslim States in Middle East or Far East Asian countries?

Or in the Ukraine, Poland, Russia?

Or the benefits and warmth Jews get from, the Extreme Right Nationalistic Groups in America?

Or the Radical Left Groups, the BDS groups, the Libetrals, and the “loving” new Democratic Senators in USA?

These days, everyone wants to be a Jew?!

Do you live in a cave?!

Every goy in New Jersey wants to join BMG!? (To get the benefits of support by a rich shver!)

Every goy in New Square is trying to buy a shtreimel! (The fashion statement – dressing like a Polish nobleman of centuries ago – is so cool!)

How silly is it to think that goyim today want the “benefits” of being recognized as a Jew!

Kaporos (unless you are PETA)
Matzos at $20/lb!
Coffee Room!!
Yeshiva and School Tuitions!
Shidduch crisis!
Getting into seminary!

Being Jewish is so great!!!!

Every goy wants to sign up!!!


No Joseph, you have it wrong. Every goy wants the benefits of being Chabad!!!

Goyim know that Chabad is non-stop party. You get cake before da=vening, don’t need to shave (ever!) and believe that your leader is moshiach.

Now I get it. I wondered why this thread is directed at Chabad (and not the many kiruv orgs)??? Because only at Chabad do goyim want to sign up!!!

Someone wrote earlier that Chabad “accepts” even unconfirmed Jews because they need to keep having “customers: to do kiruv with.

Well, don’t worry, when they run out of non-religious Jews to be mikarev, and when they finish teaching all the goyim the Seven Noach Laws, they will start with the Litvaks to teach them about the issur of shaving and how to properly do Chazoras HaShatz at Mincha (without a hoicha kedusha).