Reply To: Halachically okay to be liberal?

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Avram in MD

Avi K,

Can you do me a favor and actually respond to what I’m writing, rather than constructing a liberal strawman? I’m not philosophically opposed to capital punishment. I’m not denying that a non-Jewish government has the authority to do it. But given the fact that we as U.S. citizens are allowed a voice in government policy through voting or lobbying, my position is that the death penalty shouldn’t be used in the U.S.

“Leo Frank was lynched not executed. In fact, GA Gov. John M. Slaton commuted his sentence”

He was originally sentenced to death. He was lynched because of that commutation. And his killers were not prosecuted.

“the extent of Ethel Rosenberg’s guilt is still a matter of dispute”

Thanks for proving my point.

“I find it interesting that liberals are so concerned about people who have rap sheets longer than height but care nothing for unborn babies”

Are you directing this comment to me? Because if so, you obviously have either not read or not understood this thread.