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In defense of the Rebbe zatzal, it’s quite clear that he never intended kefira ch”v , and great gedolim still visited him after the sicha. Most chabadnks don’t understand the sicha in a radical way, and the rebbe clearly says in the sicha, if you understand it in a way thats apikursus, then its better you dont learn it!
So Lamir Lernin Torah, you’re being intellectually dishonest by calling it kefira, by saying the rebbe meant kefira ch”v! BTW, there’s similar language in Kedushas Levi and Likutei Mohoran, where they’re held of by everybody!
LLT, most people had much bigger problems with sukka (discussed in a previous thread) and meshichists (also discussed). Atzmus is almost never understood in a kefiradike way by true lubaviche chassidim, as the rebbe explicitly instructed.
BTW, its bothering me that YWN CR is becoming the bash chabad site. 90% of all chabadnikim are good shomrei torah umitzvois.
In regards to if someone should join chabad, if it helps him get closer to Hashem – bemakom shelibo chafetz – he should definitely join.