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Btw do you know the history of the rambam – yes he was called a kofer, ppl burned his seforim, and made up alot of things about him………..
Look what happened a couple of years later he is considered a majer halachic authority….
In those days if you called someone that went against the rambam, a hater he would say the same thing that @dy says.
Yes, all the gedolim were against the rambam….

It’s ok for a gadol to say; that something is totally wrong, and then everyone later realizes that its not wrong…

There are many concepts in chabad that the gedolim used to say is totally wrong and the gedolim condemned it but slowy ppl are realizing that those concepts are not wrong.

(I’m not saying in any way “my rebbe is better the your rebbe” or that the gedolim are wrong in what they said.)

(Dont start quoting me that thats what they say about everything)