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The Lubavitcher Rebbe spent ten years in Berlin and Sarbonne attending various universities. Didn’t end up wqith much to show for it, according to recent research by Menachem Friedman. He was in Berlin at the same time as Rav Hutner zt”l and Rav YB Solovotechik zt”l. In the book “Thinking aloud”. someone asked Rav YB Soloveitchik zt”l if it’s true the Rebbe learned tehillim all day. He replied, “First ask me if he wore a yarmulke”. The Rebbe didn’t while in university, as per the custom of the Orthodox Jews in college. This doesn’t make him a bad person, but not the background of a future messiah.
The Mechaber zt”l, who got a mention in this thread, stood behind the messianic candidacy of Shlomo Molcho. But he didn’t think his own rabbeim were moshiach. Lubavitchers think the Rebbe was moshiach because the Rebbe said so in his “basi legani” maamar, and then everything had to be distorted to fit it in.
Lubavitch needs a Shaul of Tarshish type to keep klal yisroel away, though they are doing a good job themselves with this yechi nonsense and saying Der Rebbe Vet helfn. Klal yisroel knows a Christianity clone when they see one.