Reply To: Tax Time Nightmare….Trump’s Tax Reforms Cost me big time

Home Forums Rants Tax Time Nightmare….Trump’s Tax Reforms Cost me big time Reply To: Tax Time Nightmare….Trump’s Tax Reforms Cost me big time

Neville ChaimBerlin

“I am illustrating the effects of the Trump tax scheme on me and my family.”

CTL: I’d rather just laugh at you than be serious, but in case anyone is actually taking what you’re saying seriously, let’s state the facts:
Previously, your blue state high taxes were masked by unfair deductions that shifted the tax burden to the rest of us.
Under Trump’s plan, the rest of the country stopped subsidizing your lavish-spending, blue state policies, so now you’re seeing how much the local politicians YOU supported have been costing you all these years.
And, naturally, you blame Trump.

Taxes are lower on the middle class. People saying otherwise are probably rich people diluting themselves into believing they’re middle class as they so often do. If you’re making less than 70k for a household income, there’s no way upping the standard deduction to 24K didn’t help.