Reply To: Tax Time Nightmare….Trump’s Tax Reforms Cost me big time

Home Forums Rants Tax Time Nightmare….Trump’s Tax Reforms Cost me big time Reply To: Tax Time Nightmare….Trump’s Tax Reforms Cost me big time

Neville ChaimBerlin

” Not that CTL needs any help from me, I just am getting a bit tired of posters deciding that he has too much money and therefore is guilty of everything they have determined to be characteristic of that.”

Give me a break. He consistently demonstrates a disconnect with the lower economic brackets, he consistently says more tax burden should be shifted to the wealthy, then when the times comes to pay the pied piper, he whines about it. We aren’t going to apologize for supporting someone who saved us money just because it happened to cost blue state, ivory tower folks who were benefiting from scamming the rest of the country.

I’m assuming you’re suddenly rushing to his defense because you relate to his poor wittle rich man status. Everyone saw through the lies about caring about the less privileged and now both parties have hung your class out to dry. Pardon the rest of us if we enjoy watching you get your comeuppance.