Reply To: Adama Veshamayim – Avoda Zara

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Thank you for bringing things back to a course of reasoned debate–that “a pop song that came out recently” is not considered a Minhag Yisrael–almost all the dissents for the past while have been lacking any substance, just venting frustration and negativity.
Its amazing that we have such strong sensitivities to a”z, ashreichem Yisrael, be’emes, but please–let’s let only clear-headed reasoning lead every discussion and comment.
To be fair and honest, all my talk about balance does also have to be balanced also–by the need for simple whole-hearted Temimus, letting the neshama’s pure senses of yashrus and emunah shine forth, but certainly this has to work together with the complexities and analysis of the seichel. That combo is what gives us our unique Shleimus of being Yidden!
To address your point about this being considered a Minhag or not, this gets into what I responded before to Shopping613, that the parameters of ‘Minhag Yisrael’ are not clearly defined in Halacha and need to be determined by a Posek assessing the situation. I can definitely hear the possibility of the argument that you are making that this is not considered a Minhag, but I can also definitely hear the argument that it is, being that it has been played and sung a lot around chasunas, events, shuls, etc over the past year or so. Once again, bring it to your Rav to decide, I’m just putting forth another deiah that I think deserves to be heard out.