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I put in the caveat of circumstances that are necessary because the רדב”ז in Sh”t s. 548 allows the consumption of human mummies for medicine purposes (non-life threatening need for medicine, so no pikuach nefesh, just neccessary).

Further, there is proof that human flesh is allowed to be eaten based on the rule: “כל היוצא מן הטמא – טמא; וכל היוצא מן הטהור – טהור”, human milk is permitted for consumption, which means that the human may also be consumed (except the Rabbon disallowed due to kovod ha’mes etc).

Therefore there is nothing wrong for a goy to eat another goy, and in some cases, even yid can eat a deceased. In fact, in a case of pikuach nefesh when the yid must eat meat to survive and he has a choice of eating a treif chicken or human flesh, he is better off eating the human flesh, since it is far less ossur than a treif chichen where each kzayis is an issur. (KFC chicken or human flesh – human flesh wins hands down).