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“What do you mean “A goy being meanes an unmarried woman”?’

I mean to force her to have relations with him. As best I can tell it doesn’t violate any of the sheva mitzvos, I guess you say that is ok. correct? (technically it doesnt violate a strict issur for a JEw either though you have more cop outs like Vehavta lereacha, or lo sasuru So I won’t ask you about a Jew being מאנס another one, plus i’m afraid to hear your answer)

“Do you think that the Torah “missed” some moral guidelines and prohibitions that we (laymen – not Rabbonon) need to add?! ”

I’m not sure what you mean. Have you never heard of lifeni meshuras hadin? kedoshim tiyhu?
Just because something is technically not an issur doesnt automatically make it proper.
Are you not fammiliar with chazal that say We would no murder is wrong even without it being assur ?
Would you not know? Did chazal think if murder wasn’t an issur then “the Torah “missed” some moral guidelines and prohibitions “?

And anyway I asked Daas Torah, they said “Goyim really shouldn’t be eating other goyim its bad middos” So there now do you think cannibalism is immoral?