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lasken – “RG, look at the Sefer Hachinuch 21, the chinuch says yes, women are mechuyav but the Minchas Chinuch asks why?”

There are sifrei lomdos, and sifrei halacha l’maaseh.

The Oruch HaShulchan is a sefer of halacha l’maaseh.

The Oruch Hashulchon s. 472, ss. 15 explicitly writes that women are michuyav in ALL the mitzvos of leil pessach including saying the Hagadah, and if they can’t say it themselves, they may hear it from someone else.

Chazal say that matzah is called “Lechem Oni” because we speak on the matzah the Haggada. Since women are michuyav in matxa: lechem oni, they must also speak over it the hagada.

Further, the RAMBAM in Sefer HaMitzvos (Mitzva Assay 248) lists all mitzvos that women are pottur and all that they are chayav, states that women ARE michuyav in Mitzva Assay 157: Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim.