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Neville ChaimBerlin

“It’s important to note, the average litvish yeshiva bachur does not get an equivalent education in litvish haskafa as do chassidic bachurim in chasidus. In fact they really get very very little.”

This is important; it’s what I was getting at earlier. Chassidus and Musar are not comparable. For one, a lot of sifrei chassidus are peirushim on the Torah rather than stand-alone sforim. When a litvish Rabbi writes a commentary, we don’t call it “Litvus” or musar. Musar is a stand alone subject. Someone could be a Litvish talmid chochom and never learn a word of musar in his life. At the end of the day, Litvish just implies stam, Orthodox Ashkenaz without any bells or whistles like Chassidus.