Reply To: The War Against White Men

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Yseribus — Your lack of knowledge on this clearly indicates that you are not well read. Anywhere outside of extreme leftist circles you will find discrimination against whites widely discussed. Including in mainstream conservative and centrist publications and forums. Whether vis-a-vis “affirmative action”, a topic that has been widely discussed and denounced, not to mention highly litigated against over the past 25+ years, as discriminatory against whites, or whether regarding the more recent “progressive”/leftist denunciations (including in the mainstream press, which as every fair-minded person knows is extremely left-wing) of anyone not supporting virtually any left-wing minority who disagrees with any non-leftist white guy. Or really anyone who disagrees with the liberal agenda, in general.

You should read more than just the DailyKos and HuffPost, Yseribus. If you would, you couldn’t possibly have missed such an obvious and widely known topic.