Reply To: Shidduchim between FFB and BT’s

Home Forums Shidduchim Shidduchim between FFB and BT’s Reply To: Shidduchim between FFB and BT’s


Neville, I don’t think you fully understand BTs. There are some BTs that you can’t even tell they are BT, like a rav I know, and there are some you can. Since BTs fully change their life around to become frum, that shows #1 extreme commitment #2 a fuller understanding of torah values, because they have lived the other “side” and found it lacking, then found a better way. FFBs never lived the other “side” so they don’t fully understand how good this way of life is. BTs aren’t perfect by a long shot, and BTs that have just become frum can have some of the issues you mentioned, but not for long. Maybe you should talk to someone in kiuv and findout more about BTs. (And even if they don’t look the same as you doesn’t mean they are bad people.)