Reply To: Women’s Suffrage Must End

Home Forums Politics Women’s Suffrage Must End Reply To: Women’s Suffrage Must End


Ubiquitin: I already explained above why frum women voting is not a stira to the frum opposition to women’s suffrage.

Phil: You don’t hear any real life poskim calling for the repeal of toeiva marriage; which is presumably why you support its continuing to be the law of the land. I, on the other hand, already explained why poskim aren’t banging on the bimas calling for the klal to storm congressional phone lines calling for the repeal of toeiva marriage or women’s suffrage. As such, we speak different languages and further dialog will be fruitless, especially given your potty-mouthed comments in lieu of rational discussion when your point of view has been thoroughly refuted and you’re simply out of any rational debating points.