Reply To: Women’s Suffrage Must End

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Though It’ll take a little bit of time because men have the devolved since women got suffrage and therefore will need time to recover
Once men have somewhere Of Power That women can’t enter everyone Honest knows what will happen
[ hey maybe even top hats will have a comeback]

enjoy your feministic pipe dream
I’m willing to bet my bottom dollar even you know otherwise
What will happen afterwards is that women being embarrassed not treated as seriously will start Looking over their shoulders & In their legislature start carefully to operate seriously -even more than the men.
thus the nature of females
[ So it was In Victorian days before suffrage]

Then the Media, the left, enough men with selfish low self-interested agendae, start pumping
that look women are just as serious men they should be allowed into the male legislature .
Since ,most men Contrary to feminist tripe, don’t wish to eternally fight females ..probably just cave in
then the cycle downwards will continue