Reply To: Women’s Suffrage Must End

Home Forums Politics Women’s Suffrage Must End Reply To: Women’s Suffrage Must End


Start with the Vengeful Khaki election of 1918 In Britain
The red scares, isolationism In the US All Were disproportionately female driven

The collapse of the high and open-minded British Liberal Party through the twenties Being for the most part permanently replaced by the collectivist Socialist Labour
The Head in the sand Disastrous atmosphere progression Riding emotional vacillations that was a 1920s and 30s

In the nascent Egalitarian Soviet Union The overwhelming majority of those sent to the gulag or executed were male .the vast majority the system of informers Trusted and Used by the Bolsheviks Soviet regime were female

Male & females voted roughly in equal ratio proportion for The Nazi party, even though the Nazi Party did
not allow women to serve As Representatives In the Reichstag
However women’s support for the Nazis Seemed to increase disproportionately in the years after voting ceased . And would become arguably its most fanatical supporters

But you Luna can contend that females Needed politically a learning curve.
males were given the suffrage for Different branches and levels over generations ,receiving in 1913 Finally In the US for the Senate

For the the British Isles the last Men received franchise 1918 the same moment that females 30 Or married Received it [ The remaining Gained the franchise in 1928 ]

Acknowledge at minimum that the suffragettes were too hasty
It should Have been done over the decades piecemeal

Women Of 1950s subtly recognized and accepted Most or all of the above Belatedly
Which was cause of Them becoming more ‘housewifery’

They would be maligned For this by the next generation of females just a decade or two later