Reply To: Hechsherim in Israel

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Hechsherim in Israel Reply To: Hechsherim in Israel

Neville ChaimBerlin

I don’t know why nobody is really addressing the OP’s question.

There are many halachos that apply only in eretz Yisroel. The Rabbanut and other sub-par hechsherim are very meikel on these and thus most of the frum velt does not hold of them. L’maaseh they ARE much more meikel than the OU, so I don’t know why you keep making that analogy. From my understanding, the Rabbanut and Beit Yosef hechsherim are worse than anything we have in the US, including triangle K. It’s not just people being crazy.

Having been around around the CR block a few times, I have a feeling this was not the answer the OP wanted. I could be wrong, but these threads usually end up being a thinly veiled argument that everyone should just be super meikel and eat borderline treif so that the poster will feel more comfortable with himself.