Reply To: Who is Rav Shlomo Kanievsky? Is he being groomed to be the next Godol HaDor?

Home Forums In The News Who is Rav Shlomo Kanievsky? Is he being groomed to be the next Godol HaDor? Reply To: Who is Rav Shlomo Kanievsky? Is he being groomed to be the next Godol HaDor?


Yabia: Where go you get your information to claim it was only in the 1600s that the Ashkenazic population became larger than the Sefardic? Even today, after the Ashkenazim just suffered a Holocaust, worldwide Jewry is numerically much more Ashkenazim.

In any event, go to any fully stocked Beis Medrash, even a Sefardic one, and simply count the number of mechaber seforim published after the generation that lived in Spain/Portugal totaling each from the Ashkenazim and from the Sephardim.