Reply To: Who is Rav Shlomo Kanievsky? Is he being groomed to be the next Godol HaDor?

Home Forums In The News Who is Rav Shlomo Kanievsky? Is he being groomed to be the next Godol HaDor? Reply To: Who is Rav Shlomo Kanievsky? Is he being groomed to be the next Godol HaDor?

Yabia Omer

I don’t know who AviK is but don’t put him down like that in public. What’s the matter with you, talking like that? And you ostensibly represent a Chashuv yeshiva (YCB) and this is how you act? Not nice.

When I speak of Meshugas, it’s something that the Ashkenazic community should take to heart and do some soul searching. Don’t take it as an insult. Take it as a “maybe we’ve gone too far in some respects and we should change course”. Nothing wrong with a little introspection.