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One can choose to view the establishment of a Jewish State as a positive and desirable expression of God’s will to help His people return to their Homeland. It is a gift to embrace and cherish. The Mechanism and Process that He used to enact this return to Eretz Hakodesh and what comes next was and is for Him to decide. I choose this view.

Alternatively, one can view the establishment of the Jewish State as a condemnation or punishment by God. He loosened the restraints of the Sitra Achra, the cosmic force of evil, as a result of our betrayal of Him. Who betrayed Him? The Enlightened, the Reformists, the Zionists, the Yiddishists, the Communists, and more. We are destined to suffer from this terrible and painful long-lasting debacle until the Moshiach reveals himself, bem’herah v’yameinu.

Unless of course we win the Yeshiva Lottery and get two free tickets on United (El-Al? shumu shamayim) to enjoy all the beautiful and holy (sic) sites in Palestine, maybe even visit our nephew in Brisk. Then we just ignore those evil forces and have a great time at Ein Gedi and the Banyas. And once we’re here, we’ll chap some Geulah (ironic name, no?) chulent on Thursday night and grab a black & white at the Brooklyn Bakery. Ahh, the pleasures of pure golus. A m’chayeh. Don’t miss the Koisel Tunnels.