Reply To: Are sfardim from the 10 shvatim

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If by Sfardim you mean Jews of Spain and not Eidot HaMizrach. The largest of communities of Sfardim and Ashkenazim probably reached Spain, Portugal, France and Germany well over 1100 years ago. However, there were Jews in Worms, Germany prior to Bait Sheni (would they be considered AshKenazim, I doubt it) and of course in those in E”Y, and eventually in Bavel, Persia, Yeman, Ethiopia, etc. after the first churban. They’re decedents are Eidot HaMizrach, unless they made their way to Europe and joined existing communities or founded new ones. Also many communities in Germany, Poland, etc. accepted refugees from Spain during the inquisition. Those former Sefardim, obviously took on their brethren’s customs in their new homes. So many Ashkenazim of today were actually Sefardim some 530 years ago.