Reply To: What’s the difference between protests and parades

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Thanks zd
For a rational eloquent response.

Now to disagree.
I’m not knowledgeable about which parade you are referring to, but it’s not really relevant.
When it comes to conscription of girls into the Israeli army, we can’t afford to utilize an approach that takes years. There is too much collateral damage during such a lengthy process.

The general idea of protests in Israel specifically seems to be not about convincing the other side as to the correctness of one’s position. It is exactly about showing the other side how miserable I can make your life, till the point where you give in to me.
All the talk about blocking and messing up traffic?
Exactly. That’s the point. It’s a message to the medina ,
If you persist, we will make it impossible to function in your city.
As an analogy, think about a teachers strike. We had one a few years back in nyc, or a bus drivers strike.
Doesn’t that inconvenience all the parents of school age children?
I mean as a parent, I have no control over teachers or drivers contracts.
Why do I need to now miss a day of work to stay home with my children because the teacher doesn’t like his salary package?? He makes more than I do already! Now I need to lose multiple days pay, so he can get more money??? No my back?
Yet nobody says don’t let the teachers strike, they have no right to inconvenience others.

That’s the way things work. No system is perfect.

Your argument is a reasonable argument as to why this is not the smartest nor most effective way to achieve a goal.
I’m that you may be 100% correct.
You certainly present a strong position.
But that was never my question.
My question was and is, why are we so easy to accept certain types of inconvenience, from certain causes (parades, workers strikes) yet from other causes (protests) all of a sudden we realize that it’s a tremendous inconvenience for so many people.

To further clarify, I understand from a city perspective.
To allow every protest without an organized system would lead to anarchy and worse.
I am specifically asking about commenters personal opinions.
I am appalled at how little this issue resonates with so many people that they are ranking out these protesters for stopping traffic, while they would willingly allow it for far less (workers strike for better pay) all the way down to a worthless (IMHO) thing called a parade.

That is my question.
The most I got is the robotic response. One is (call it) legally sanctioned the other is not.
Really????? That’s your barometer? If a law is passed you have no issue with being messed up, but otherwise you have no cause you would willingly sacrifice for?
I think that’s just a cover.
I think it’s because they feel that the yeshiva and female exceptions should be abolished and they should all go to the army.
I am calling them out