Reply To: Admission Cards

Undercove Bachur

Admission cards are a terrible תקופה that has been plaguing כלל ישראל in the past recent years. So many of you may be wondering what is admission cards? Allow me to explain.
Admission cards are a weapon used by school administrations to force parents who have already paid whatever is financially possible and on top of that are financially struggling.
So this is how they are used: About a week before the exam a member of the school administration (usually the principal) enters the classroom and informs the class that those who have not received an admission card will not be allowed to take the exam. It is quite obvious to many students in the class who will not be able to take the exam and the child is therefore embarrassed ברבים a אסור דאריתא which רשי says is comparable to רוצוך
The day of the exam arrives and the teachers give out the exam upon instruction from the school administration only to give the exam to those students who show the teacher their admission card. the principle then enters the room and calls out the students BY NAME without admission card to come to his office therby6 embarrassing the child ברבים a אסור דאריתא which רשי says is comparable to רוצוך
In the office, the principal instructs the children to call their parents and inform them that they are unable to take the exam until tuition is paid in full, so they should call the office and make a payment immediately.
According to Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l this method is considered stealing. Now you may ask how is it stealing? Now imagine someone walks over to you with a gun and says: give me $100 or I will kill That is considered extortion a type of theft, so too here by using the child as a weapon you are extorting the money from the parents by using their child as a weapon
רבותי stop this terrible תקופה stop harassing the financially unstable parents as the Ramah in Choshain Mishpat (163:3) says the community is supposed to force the rich people to pay for the education of the poor people.
Undercover Bachur
(a boy in a prominent Brooklyn Yeshiva)