Reply To: Is there such a thing as a kosher smartphone???

Home Forums Controversial Topics Is there such a thing as a kosher smartphone??? Reply To: Is there such a thing as a kosher smartphone???

The little I know

The general and blanket statements made about a lot of things in technology are irresponsible. Each individual has his/her own needs and requirements. No one truly knows my business. If the suggestion is about the questionable activities that one can engage in using a smartphone, I call attention to the oldest profession that predated technology by many centuries. Issurim can be committed with or without modern technology. We will soon read the parsha in which the incident involving bnos Moav is described. To the best of our knowledge, there were no cell phones, internet, or other forms of communication then. The one who wants to violate issurim will do so, with whatever means are accessible.

At the end of the discussion, one needs to have a strong character, dedicated to following Ratzon Hashem, with the role of Shivisi Hashem Lenegdi Somid as the main driver in life. One can easily gaze at or image anything improper without electronic devices. The only way that yetzer horah will leave us soon is when Moshiach comes, and HKB”H will shecht it. Technology is just another nisayon (often a huge one).