Reply To: The sixth day in Chodesh Tammuz A day of tragedy in water year after year !

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee The sixth day in Chodesh Tammuz A day of tragedy in water year after year ! Reply To: The sixth day in Chodesh Tammuz A day of tragedy in water year after year !


“the raid on Entebbe took place on 6 Tammuz, when Yoni Netenyahu was killed, but it certainly didn’t take place on or near water.”

Of course it did! Entebbe sits on lake Victoria!

“Every year there are too many unusual tragedies that take place during summer vacation R”L.”

so true. there are also tragedies that take place during the year R”L. In fact MORE tragedies occur during the year than during the summer. Maybe we should extend Summer vacation over the entire year