Reply To: ICE Sweeps…It’s not just Brown and Hispanics being rounded up for deportation

Home Forums Politics ICE Sweeps…It’s not just Brown and Hispanics being rounded up for deportation Reply To: ICE Sweeps…It’s not just Brown and Hispanics being rounded up for deportation


CTL, you are a sick sick person. You wrote “The purpose of this post is to correct the misconception that these ICE raids are solely aimed at brown skinned Hispanics.” Literally the only people who ever thought such a thing are you sick Democrats and rabid Trump-haters, who project your own racism on to Trump and Republicans, tell vicious lies, and then think we should be shocked or upset when they turn out to be false! No Trump supporter or Republican ever supposed the raids would be targeted by race, so we are neither surprised nor upset that they aren’t.

And are we really supposed to be upset that an Israeli who blew off a deportation order will now be sent home?

As for the Puerto Rican lady or your daughter, there was never any chance that they would be deported. The worst that could happen to them was the inconvenience of being held on suspicion for a few hours until the truth could be sorted out. Unfortunately that can happen to anyone; we could all be mistaken for some wanted person, or for a burglar, etc., and it might take a few hours to establish our innocence. It’s the price we pay for not hiring infallible telepathic policemen.

As for the Polish Jews whom Hitler deported, first of all they were legitimate German citizens, having been properly naturalized under German law at the time. That cannot happen here; US citizenship, once validly obtained, can never be revoked involuntarily The only way someone claiming to be a US citizen can be deported is if the government can prove in court that the claim was false and the person was never a citizen in the first place. Another problem with what Hitler did is that Poland did not recognize these people as citizens and did not admit them; the US does not ever deport someone who has nowhere to go.

How dare you question Ivanka Trump’s giyur, and R Shachter and R Lookstein who were on her beis din? And how dare you compare Trump, in any way, to Hitler or to the KKK, which was the terrorist wing of the Democratic Party?