Reply To: ICE Sweeps…It’s not just Brown and Hispanics being rounded up for deportation

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The little I know


Foreign aid is not tzedokoh. It is always to satisfy a vested interest. US benefits greatly from Israel, and in a variety of ways. It is in America’s best interests to support Israel. If your memory of Obama is near accurate, we witnessed someone who denied that, and limited support in many ways. Fortunately, Congress spoke up bipartisan, and Obama was forced to sign bills of financial support. But the optimism was short lived, as he found ways to condemn Israel at every opportunity, refused to condemn Arab terror until days later and mountains of pressure, and he looked for means to funnel monies to the terrorists all through the Middle East. He sold Israel down the river with the Iran deal, and threw Israel under the bus with one of biggest financial donations to Iran in world history, fully aware that Iran supports terror.

It is not about blocking foreign aid. But to just send money because there is poverty there is foolish. Remember donating to the Clinton Foundation because of Haiti? The Haitians testified many times that they never received a dime. You need to know your target is reached, and that you are taking steps to resolve a problem.