Reply To: Fighting antisemitism won’t stop another Holocaust R”L

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Fighting antisemitism won’t stop another Holocaust R”L Reply To: Fighting antisemitism won’t stop another Holocaust R”L


I grew up in a MO neighborhood where some people wore “never again” kippos. They meant through guns and might, and on that basis the OP is correct.
On the rest I disagree on 2 points
1) Politics is Hishtadlus. Just read the new Artscroll Rav Kalmonovitz biography. Or ask the Iranians saved by Rav Neuberger when I was in Ner Yisroel. There are countless examples.
2) At least one of the organizations you mentioned is headed by frum people, and they have put out many fires and saved many jewish lives through the years. (I know first hand stories).