Reply To: Nashim Da'atan Kalos and Women Today

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philosopher, women are scared of bears? You’re confusing me with Batman or someone. I’ve never made any comments about women and bears. Are you sure you didn’t see that comment on another site?

Regarding your statement that “we can argue with your interpretation of daas”, I answer absolutely! And I’m more than willing to entertain any argument you proffer. But so far you’ve only objected to the mere idea of discussing this Chazal, as it it is somehow verboten to even discuss.

Indeed I’ll take up your offer to have a discussion on the differences between men and women’s intellectual abilities by again asking for your interpretation of Rambam’s statement of “שרוב הנשים אין דעתם מכוונת להתלמד. אלא הן מוציאות דברי תורה לדברי הבאי לפי עניות דעתן.” (“most women have no set mind to be instructed on studies, but, on the contrary, are apt to divert matters of the Torah to nonsensical matters.”)