Reply To: Nashim Da'atan Kalos and Women Today

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I generally don’t comment here anymore, but on Motzei Tisha B’av on this topic, I just had to.
, As with every Agadeteh, “Nashim Daaton Kalos” needs deeper discussion and learning .
So when the males lost patience with Moshe’s return and made the Eigel Hazahav , and All women refused to hand over their jewelry, where was the daas of the men?
And when most of klal Yisrael listened to the loshon hora of the great Torah scholars,the Meraglim handpicked by Moshe Rabbeinu, opening the Tisha Ba’av tragedies, where were the women? The women with their daaton kalos were the only ones who refused to listen …, Look it up.. Also, Tzelafchad’s daughters were an example of women loving EY, as opposed to the great Torah gedolim meraglim and their ilk.

So On ben Pelles wants to join Korach’s rebellion…. Mrs. On, the lady with the daas kal, tells him – No way..
Basically telling him, ” You’re a kal siding with Moshe, and you’ll be a kal siding with Korach. You’re nobody and you’ll stay a nobody.”
She saves his life, this lady with a daas kal. How?….. She uncovered her hair, ordered On to stay inside the tent, and stood outside waiting for the Korach holy people including members of the Sanhedrin, who avoided looking at women, who were medakded in tzniyus, who were frum lifnei mishuras hadin….. to show up, knowing they won’t deal with her.And so it was… These frummies , who were medakdek in tzniyus, had no problem in causing a machlokes with killed hundreds if not thousands… Maybe some were even CR posters who may not be well, who preached frumkeit , knocking , mocking and denigrating other Yidden’s hashkofos, but had no issues in dredging up old OPs insinuating slights/insults , DAVKA in the 9 days , and hiding behind Chazals…
Not to mention the males who encouraged avodah zara during malchei Yisroel, male kohanim who desecrated the Bet Hamikdash… not women….
I don’t know what “kal” means, and from what I’ve read, nobody here does either.
So you CR talmidei chachamim , go ahead and pick my post apart if you wish. I will not respond your drivel
no matter how Chazals and seforim you present. Your motivation is not l’shem Shomayim… You know it … We all know it.,