Reply To: Nashim Da'atan Kalos and Women Today

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Non Political

@ DY

“I don’t get the point of bringing the cases of exceptional women in klal Yisroel’s history”

I’m surprised, you usually have a sharper eye for nuance. I wasn’t merely bringing up exceptional women. My remark was more pointed then that. I was contrasting most exceptional women with one. specifically Devorah and the fact that she had a very unique role in Klal Yisroel.

C”V that I would say anything to undermine one word of Chazal.

Also, a correction is in order. When I wrote ” all that remains is for someone to bring up a certain Gemmara in Chulin to attempt to undermine my bringing an example from Devorah” Chulin I meant to say a certain Gemmara in Magilah.