Reply To: Nashim Da'atan Kalos and Women Today

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Klugeryid, as I have repeatedly said, it’s not the Chazal or the Ramban he quoted but the intent behind it. When a person is obsessed with finding verses and quoting it out of context so that it loses it’s original meaning, or neglecting meforshim that explain the meaning, or simply quoting verses without knowing the meaning but just trying to continuously to prove a point that other people are inferior THAT is the problem. If a person tries to understand a Chazal or a verse or a meforesh that seems to put down women or men or whatever and he posts that so that people can share their thoughts on the matter then that’s fine. But to do that over and over again against specific individuals is a mean obsession.

I have said mine and that’s that. I hope you understand and if not it’s also nisht geferlich but I won’t try to explain again.