Reply To: Nashim Da'atan Kalos and Women Today

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🍫Syag Lchochma

kluger – how about this idea. 4-5 people have noted this behavior, and even tried explaining it to you but you don’t see it and continue to be all over me to explain it to you. Not explain the problem, but explain it to you in a way that makes *you* like it. So how about if you just accept that you just don’t see it. Even though many others do, you don’t.
So you don’t see it and yet you will dig deep inside yourself to allow others to have their view of something EVEN though you don’t see it. It’s a madraiga.

Fair? Cuz I am kinda done spinning my wheels. And the singling me out for my view but telling me I can’t have it is making me feel kinda cruddy by now.

Oh, and here’s another thing you won’t see but I can bet others will. Joseph thinks this whole thing was awesome and is singing your praises as we speak!!