Reply To: Should Wedding gowns for the extended family be discontinued?

Home Forums Simchas Should Wedding gowns for the extended family be discontinued? Reply To: Should Wedding gowns for the extended family be discontinued?


There is no chiyuv for the bridesmaids and family members to wear a designer gown selected by the kalah….she may “suggest” they do so and if they don’t want to incur the expense, just say “thank you but I’d prefer not to”. These kinds of meshugaas get started and proliferate because people seem to lose their voice and don’t push back on these expensive minhagim that have no basis in Halacha and really do little in the context of being “mesameach choson v’kalah”. Whether it is a “destination wedding” where guests may have to spend thousands of dollars in air travel or hotel expenses to some “exotic” location or expectations of large cash gifts, invitees should do what they can afford and no more. Likewise, the families of the choson/kalah should be prepared to pick up the bill for special dresses if that is what they want to bridal part to wear. If some of the bridal party may be unfamiliar with the halachos of tzinius, there are many ways to engage with them on the appropriate type of dress w/o insisting that they purchase a specific style in a color selected by the kalah.