Reply To: Whats the worst thing about smartphones

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1 – addictive, even if not for bad things it is a well established fact that the smartphone is designed to keep one engaged and occupied. That isn’t productive, especially for a jew, and leads to sin.
2 – shmiras einayim. even a filtered smartphone generally is filtered to block out bad stuff, however it is still no better than walking down the street, even innocuous sights like banking have problematic images which a. effect the person negatively, and worse, 2. is a sin if looked at
3 – personal privacy, go listen to the radio, this one needs no explanation, the only thing to point out here is that ask yourself how far this goes.
AND NOW, to GADOLHADORA, how honorable to speak to a gadol, i must say… anyway, 2 points…
1. there may just be a special place in heaven for Luddites. Your derogatory framing of them notwithstanding. Pointing to conveniences of having a smartphone doesn’t speak to the question of its drawbacks.
2. It is quite narrow-minded, your outlook on the 15 yr trajectory of smart technology. There are already prototypes of chips that are meant to be implanted on the brain that enable DIRECT connection to AI from, and to, the brain. A very scaled down version of this was recently in the news with people in Switzerland getting chips surgically implanted in their hands which enabled them to pay without a cc or phone. Now ask yourself this, you’re all cocky about being up to date with technology now.. are you ready for whats coming? Do you think that you will happily get such an implant, or do you see where maybe that can go horribly wrong , especially in the area of Judaism. Maybe these “luddites” have a point eh?