Reply To: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? Reply To: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment?



“Are you maybe starting to get the idea that your critical thinking may be fallible. And maybe just because it’s simple to you, it may be off base anyway ?”

Hold up of course its fallible. I’m not even sure were I implied otherwise. you see this is were I’m getting mixed messages. You say “And maybe just because it’s simple to you, ” But it isnt just me. It is everybody! Even you at times claim you agree “Nobody is claiming that rape is a good thing” So you also think it is bad. How do you know? Do you have a source?
More to the point, do you need a source?

“You mean maybe to ask what would I say if the sources were not there?
Well I’d have the same reaction as they did.
How can it possibly be so that this is less severe than that??”

Yes! Ok we are cooking you are getting it. Sometimes things are so obvious that even in the absence of a source we know it to be true.

“We don’t need s rayah that a thorn bush is prickly.
you probably would if you tried to base a halacha on it and i challenged you”

thats crazy. Aaaand I proved from a Gemara that that is not the case. when the Gemara asks how can a thorn bush be a hadas if derachea darchei noam? The Gemara DOES NOT say “prove a thorn bush is prickly” such a question would be absurd. The Gemara accepts it and moves on.

“Of course it’s worse. Aye why no punishment? I don’t know. Who cares
Move on”

Who cares?!?!?!
what on Earth are you talikgn about. Of course we care! its baffling! All with no exception who address this come up with some explanation.
NOT ONE says eleh mai, killing one is better. such a position is impossible. IT makes no sense. It goes against all reason.

In other words when faced with our dilemna: How can a (seemingly?) obviously worse aveira get a lighter punishment?
EVERY SINGLE ONE who answers explains why .
Not one , makes your conclusion, eleh mai its not so bad . Not one.