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Justme22 -“Psychologists know very little about this and no answer To the issue is perfect.”

A lot of them know a lot about it, but they avoid it because of the PC.

“There was an organization helping people convert in the community and they were force to close down with no frum organizations coming out in their support .”

The Frum org. that closed down was because they care about Lawsuits, not the correct Torah way!

“Many states are making such treatments illegal and we don’t hear the agudah or anyone saying much about it.”
They only made it Illegal for minors. But just now, the Gay president of the NYC Council is passing a revision on the Reparation Therapy Law that they passed 2 years ago. The reason for this is because of Lawsuits in Federal Court.

“Some psychologists believe you can’t cure it but you can get married first and work with ur spouse in therapy on making it work and that is frightening for many singles to go into the unknown.”

Baloney! You need therapy first. There are many therapists that still practice Reparation Therapy, but they maybe hard to find because the Gay people have made tremendous inroads in American Society.

Go to Dr. Nicolosi’s website – From there:
“In 1992, Dr. Nicolosi and two psychiatrists organized a professional association called the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH). Today, NARTH has over 1000 members around the world.”