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Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? Reply To: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment?


“Are you quoting something?YES PESUKIN IN CHUMASH”

forgive me, my copy is defective. I cant find these pesukim :
פרעה ואבימלך נענשו על לקיחת שרה בע”כ
כמה פעמים כתוב
אשת אברהם
בעולת בעל
עף פעם לא נכתב מילה על הא דלקחה לענס אותה!!! הלא דבר הוא.
נענש על כוונתו. אבל כל הטענה היתה רק מטעם אא”

I dont know what point you are making?

“it wasnt a case of nenas in the classical sense as far as I’m awareEXACTLY WHAT WAS DIFFERENT?”

I never thought of it as physical force. she was forced because he was the king. Its kind of like statutory rape. while a form of rape, it isnt the same as foriceable rape. (If I was a betting man you dont view statutory rape as rape at all ) Aye the 16 year old was a “willing” participant? There is sort of an anan Sahadi that by definition a 16 year old isnt willing. If you ask people to list rapes in Tanach I dont know that many would mention Sarah, Rivkah, and Esther. although YEs they were nenas and halachicly remained muttar. From the assailants perspective they were “willing” participants. It is hard to imagine that when Esther says “until now I was forced” She meant that she was fighting Achashveirosh every night. Similarly for Sarah.

On the other hand when it was forcible rape, the Torah is quite clear. See pilegesh bigivah. although as a pilegesh she is an eishis ish, that part is almost downplayed.