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Renting Met Life probably costs about 1.5 Million. Even if they spend another million on this event that is 2.5 million. If they have 85,000 seats, they can sell them at $35 a seat to cover the cost no problem. If they are getting on average $50 a seat they have an extra 1.7 million after the above costs. So even if costs were 2 million in addition to the rental there is little to no financial reason (in terms of the siyum itself) to charge these rates. It is obvious this has become a gigantic fund-raiser for Agudah. Not against supporting Agudah but perhaps attempting to guilt Yidden into attended a siyum, which instead of being a “siyum” has now become the next commercialized thing (a la Oorah’s chinese auction), not surprising to see people a little hesitant to shell out the money to be part of it. At least Oorah convinces you, you can win prizes and you get a stupid DVD. Here you have to listen to speeches about how great it is for Klal Yisroel to join together, while thinking in the back of your mind, “well perhaps make it more inclusive and do your fund-raising elsewhere.” Definitely promoting the private boxes and the special level of access you get if you pay excessive amounts for seats is a turn-off as well. Klal Yisroel’s siym has inevitably clearly become just another commercial event where you pay to play. Yeah, I know in the past you also had more expensive seats, but somehow I don’t recall them being promoted like they are now.

Next, Yeshiva dinners will have special cordoned off sections with better food for those who pay more. The Yeshiva’s will still reach out to their alumni begging you to join just to show your support.

Before you think my issue is envy, it is not. I have no problem paying for nice seats, rather it is simply a distaste for the commercialization of religion.